Friday, October 31, 2008

I Won't Complain

Today is one of those emotional days where I don't feel very good about myself. I was looking at the pictures in my screen saver of me and my family members and I thought about how much prettier it seemed my in-laws and siblings look than I do. I figure it has something to do with hormones but I try not to be too hasty with those particular types of pronouncements upon myself. However, the teary eyes and tell-tale lump in my throat keep giving it away. But I had to think it through so that I could come to this conclusion. Every one has good days where they feel hot, sexy, beautiful, and brilliant. Everyone has bad days where they sometimes don't even feel human and much less hot, sexy, beautiful, and brilliant. And I am one of those people who seem to have the monopoly on displaying the finesse and grace of a one-legged grasshopper, but no matter: This too shall pass.