Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Me Again

Okay, It has been and entire TWO years since my last post to this page and I am deeply ashamed. As you have probably guessed, many things can happen in two years. For me I became a mommy, again. For the third time. To yet another boy (I already had two boys). My body did not rebound in the remarkable way it did with the first two children (both born to me while I was in my twenties) in the amount of time that I wanted. I did not return to my pre-pregnancy weight (Thank God) but I did not lose all that I expected to lose either. However, I maintain that all the inconveniences and physical disapprovals are worth my chubby now two month old cherub. I had two great children already but it's even more humbling to have a new little one that I can say is "a good baby." So I'll trade my pre-thirties physique for what and who I have in my life right now. More on my journey later.